How to Show Up Confident and Crush Imposter Syndrome with Michele Charles Gustafson


About Michele

Michele Charles Gustafson is a brand strategist, image consultant, and Amazon bestselling author of the book “Show Up Confident”. Her book is about everything she’s learned up to this point in her life on what it takes to do something new. “Nothing new happens without fresh confidence,” is one of her mottos. Michele’s background is in package marketing and strategy so what she found was that confidence is the foundation about how you would do anything in your life.

The truth about imposter syndrome

“Imposter syndrome comes from a disconnection of self,” explains Michele. What every female entrepreneur needs to know is that if that disconnection exists, you’ll run your business like you run your life and not the other way around.

Having a self-assuredness in life will also give you a self-assuredness in business. This affects how you put yourself out there, how you communicate, and whether you’re able to throw your hat in the ring or not. Every single thing that is required in business, from leadership, to customer service, to management, has to do with a sureness of self.

Episode Highlight: Tune into the episode to hear 3 ways Victoria combats imposter syndrome in her business.

Confidence comes with congruence

When you can communicate deeply your values, both in color and appearance, it becomes almost like a secret language that develops trust faster than anything. “People don’t buy from people that they don’t trust,” shares Michele. Having an online presence that builds trust with your brand, your website, your appearance, all of your behavior and communication that are all congruent that’s when you get lightning-fast trust. This doesn't happen by accident but happens with strategy. 

Something that is often misinterpreted with the word “branding” is that branding is just your aesthetic, so your logos, fonts, and your colors. But, your online presence that you have for your business and brand should align with all these other things. People want to be sure that what they see with your online presence is the same experience when they see you out or when they buy from you.

‘Fake it till you make it’ is FAKE confidence 

Social media will often tell you to “fake it till you make it” or to “just be confident and own who you are”. But what if you don’t know who you are. If we’re faking the confidence in the first place, we don’t actually have it… right?

Michele believes so strongly that confidence that has to be faked isn’t true confidence. She shares in the episode that there is a better way and it is possible to have a real confidence that impacts everything about your lief and your business.

More from Michele

Michele shares so much more about growth, mindset, and what it takes to have true confidence. You definitely don’t want to miss this episode! You can also connect with Michele on Instagram @michelecharlesgustafson and online at and Scroll to the top and hit play on your favorite listening platform to listen to The BrandWell Podcast on iTunes, Apple, or Spotify!



Victoria Marcouillier

Victoria is a wife, mother, and the owner of BrandWell Designs. BrandWell exists to help entrepreneurs and small business owners level up their business with a stunning online presence.

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